Download Windows Live Messenger
Messenger Pictures Auto 2.1

Automatically exchange the image or avatar you show in your usual instant messenger
MyMSN MiniMessenger 1.0

Smaller and free version of Windows Live Messenger that works very quickly and effectively and hardly consumes resources.
IMMonitor MSN Spy 2.2.8

It lets you remotely monitor MSN conversations, record them or even block them.
Messenger Archive Viewer 5.2

Program to see MSN Messenger and Yahoo! Message logs without needing a password.
MSN Chat Security Fix 4.2

Small but necessary official patch from Microsoft that corrects the vulnerability in one of its star products: MSN Chat.
Aero MSN Skin 1.5

A new skin for MSN with a desing that is much more stylized, elegant and a little silver.
MSN Pack Sonidos Juego Halo 3.0

A pack of 17 sound files from the famous Halo3 game to add to your MSN.
MSN Avatares Superman Returns 1.0

Collection of avatars from the famous Superman to add to your MSN or Windows Live Messenger.
Lim0n Art 2.0

It shows messages and drawings in the start-up window for an MSN Messenger session.
Script LinkSaver 1.215

It lets you save all the links to webpages or emails that your contacts have written via MSN.
Messenger Slideshow 1.9

Do you have problems choosing your identifying image in your messaging client?
Special Small Charactes 1.0

Script to add to your Windows Live Messenger that will make everything you write have strange letters.