Download Windows Live Messenger
Underart Avatars Pack 1

A free pack of 12 avatars for MSN Messenger and compatible clients.
MSN Skin Ev0 White 4.0.3

A skin to change the look of your Windows Live Messenger into tones of 8 different colours.
Sound Clips 1.7.0

An add-on for MSN Messenger that improves and increases the options of sending sounds.
MessenPass 1.40

Finally you can recover your email password that has been stolen or you forgot.
Windows Live Messenger 14.0.811

A New Generation Messenging client with all the necessary functions
Messenger Plus! Live 2009 4.84.384

Increase the functions of your Windows Live Messenger 2009 with this plug-in.

Deeply clean your MSN Messenger. Forget about all those unnecessary objects!
A-Patch for MSN Messenger 1.30 RC2

Increase the functions and modify the menus of your MSN Messenger.