Download Windows Live Messenger
Giant Nick Generator 1.0

A script for MSN that lets you create your nick based on ASCII characters.
Red Hot Chili Peppers skin for WLM

A skin for Windows Live Messenger with the look of The Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Skin Asiatique Live Plus 1.5

A skin for MSN with a Japanese theme featuring an anime girl and an immense dragon.
HopperLive 4.11.0131

A script for MSN that lets you generate windows for when each of your contacts connects to you.
USay 1.1

A fun script for MSN that lets you supplant the nick of the person you`re talking to.
Skin Itachi 1.0.5

Personalize your MSN with this skin of one of the most popular Manga characters: Itachi.
A-Patch for Windows Live Messenger 8.5 1.40

A patch for Windows Live Messenger that lets you configure some of its properties and characteristics.
Skin Phunkn - Niveus 1.0.2

A skin to add to MSN that changes the look to grey and violet tones that are very elegant.
Script MSN Now Watching 2.0

It shows you in your MSN the title of the video you are watching at that moment on YouTube, Google Video or MySpaceTV.
Noel Instant Translator 1.01

An interesting plug-in for MSN to translate instantly when they write to you in a foreign language.
Script MSN Love Test 1.0

A curious script for MSN that tells you the percentage of amorous compatibility your nick has with other users.
Pack 6 Sonidos Mortal Kombat

A pack of 6 impressive sounds taken from the famous game Mortal Kombat to add to your MSN conversations.
Skin ProStreet 1.0

A skin to add to your MSN that converts its look to that of the game Need for Speed ProStreet.
Colour Msg 2.0

A script for your MSN that lets you change the colours of your text and backgrounds.
Steal Contact 1.3

A script to add to your MSN that lets you steal your contacts` nicks or photos.