Download Anti Spam
Spam Sleuth 4.0

An antispam for Eudora, Lotus Notes, Pegasus, Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape, MSN, etc.
Matador Spam Fighter 1.0

A new, free antispam with an advanced algorithm that blocks access of spam to your MS Outlook.
SpamExperts Desktop

One of the best free antispam filters you can find on the Web.
Pack traducciones del programa Spamihilator 0.9.x

Translation packet (including in Spanish) for the Spamihilator program.
OEBuddy 1.2

Automatically move all the spam you receive to a specific folder in Outlook Express.
JOC Email Checker 3.2.0

Delete all unwanted emails directly from the server without needing to download them.
Spam Ignorer Corportate Edition 0.9.0

Powerful anti spam that easily integrates into your email.
Active Email Monitor 2.FF

Revise the emails in all your accounts in just one step, and protect them from spam.