Download Anti Spyware
EMCO Malware Bouncer 1.0

Get rid of more than 2400 unwanted programs and files: spyware, adware, trojans, etc.
Spyware Begone 10.00

A great, free anti-spyware which attacks almost all the threats found on the Internet.
X-Cleaner Free 3.8.527

A complete program to do all the tasks related to the security and privacy of your PC.
Spyware control manager 1.2

An antispyware that detects, blocks and deletes the spyware it finds.
RefUpdate Ad-aware 149.0278

Ad-ware database updater to keep spyware programs far from your computer.
Free Spy Blocker Toolbar

An excellent antispyware bar created by ZoneAlarm to add to your web browser.