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Daily Bible Promise 1.0

New advice or an interesting phrase from the Bible, each day on your desktop.
e-Sword 11.2.2

A free, effective and quick tool that lets you know the Bible at first hand.
Spiritual Snack Tray 2011

A program to motivate you with phrases and messages from the Bible.
Truth Counts in World Religions

Discover the viewpoints of the main religions of the world.
Daily Bible and Prayer

A program for those devout people who like to daily read and study the Bible.
Bible Database 5.1.16

A free application with 40 versions of the Bible in 27 different languages.
The KJV Desktop Bible Book 2.0

An interactive and sensationally visual Bible, ideal for theologists who want to read and study the Bible in depth.
Bible Pro 14.4.1

43 Bibles, a million links and references, and 150,000 comments to reflect on the Holy Scriptures.