Download Compression Tools
Power Archiver English 2009 11.03

A powerful and complete compressor that works with ZIP, LHA, TAR, CAB, RAR, ARC, ACE, ZOO, ARJ, 7ZIP, etc files.
WinZip Command Line Add-on 6.0

A plug-in to add to WinZip that lets you run it from the Windows command line.
Sharp Archiver 2.1

A powerful, free application to compress among 47 different types of file.
Squeez for Windows 95/98/ME 5.62

A compressor that supports 13 different compression types: SQX, ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, CAB, GZIP, TAR, UUE, ACE, JAR, BZIP and 7Z
Squeez for Windows XP/Vista 32 5.62

The version for Windows XP and 32-bit Vista of the Squeez compressor program.
Squeez for Windows XP/Vista 64 5.62

A version for XP and 64-bit Vista of the Squeez compressor.
SFV Checker 1.20

Check if the content of a RAR, ARJ or ACE compressed file is in perfect shape.
winRAR iMode Skin 1.0

A free skin for the decompressor WinRAR that changes the buttons for other, different ones.
FileWrangler 5.30

A utility to create ZIP format compressed files with quite a lot of additional options and tools.
Vallen Zipper 2.10

Create and decompress files, letting you do multiple decompressions in addition to warning you about suspicious files before decompression.