Download Emulators
Dolphin Emulator 4.0

Play Nintendo Wii and Gamecube games, with higher quality than the console.
1964 N64 Emulator 1.1

Emulator that allows you to execute ROMS (games) from the well-known Nintendo N64 console.
Microsoft Device Emulator 2.0

Run or test programs for Pocket PC and other portable devices in your PC.
MAME32 0.143

32-bit Windows version of this emulator of recreational games machines par excellence.
Console Classix 4.22

A program to play hundreds of classic games from Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis and Atari 2600.
Extra Mame 24.8

A variant of the famous MAME emulator with which you can go back and play the old games from the 80´s and 90´s.