Download Geo Tracking
93 Photo Street 1.3.1

Build photographic maps from your own images to publish them on a website.
Google Earth Satellite Database 10.1.202

Complement for Google Earth that lets you know everything about the satellites.
Earth Explorer 6.1

A complete 3D Atlas with which you can explore the Earth with a precision of up to 50m.
Blue Marble 2.0

A light, free program that improves the quality of the images in Google Earth.
Microsoft Virtual Earth 3D 3.0.808

Impressive free program from Microsoft to visit any corner of the world with a bird´s eye view.
Geodaten German Streets 1.0

A geographic program that lets you consult the more than 2.7 million streets in Germany.
Netpas Distance 2.5.2560

Calculate the shortest geographic distance between two ports in the world.
Search Google Maps 1.0

It lets you make consultations and searches in Google Maps directly from your desktop.