Download Photographic Retouching
Ace Image Resizer 1.8

Redimension photos in more than 50 different formats, creating thumbnail galleries.
Split and Tile Image Splitter 1.0

It lets you cut any photo into as many pieces as you want, and then save each of those fragments individually.
EasyHDR PRO 1.31

Process your photos from your digital camera to the highest quality (High Dynamic Range).
Image Sizer 1.03.17

A practical and quick way to change the size of your photos and make small effects retouches.
Pictricity 1.10

Apply a series of effects, retouches and manipulations to all the image archives you want.
Images In Context 1.6

Lets you view and retouch photos from the same contextual menu as Windows Explorer.
PhotoPerfect DigiCam

Excellent image optimizing program especially designed for digital camera photographs.
Auto Adjust Photo 0.23

Small digital image manipulation and retouching tool via command lines.