Download Security and Privacy
Kaspersky Internet Security Nederlands 2016

One of the best antiviruses that exist, that detects worms, trojans, etc. It also has antispyware, antispam and a firewall.
Kaspersky Internet Security 2021

One of the best antiviruses that exist, that detects worms, trojans etc, in addition to being an antispyware, antispam and firewall program.
Dekart Private Disk 2.15

Create virtual storage units encrypted within your hard drive. International versions.
Dekart Private Disk Light 1.23

International version of this effective free program for disc encryption.
REFOG Keylogger

A keylogger that registers all the keys that are pressed, and the websites visited or the programs that are run.
STOPzilla AntiMalware 6.5

Complement the work of your antivirus with a powerful antimalware.
Wireless Network Watcher 2.18

Check to see if anyone is connected to your WiFi without your permission.
Coffecup LockBox 5.0

Store your most private usernames with an encryption level of up to 448 bits.