Download FPS Games
My Worst Day WW2 1.99e

First person shooting arcade game set in Norway during the Second World War.
Battleswarm: Field of Honor

Whether you like shooter games or strategy games, this Battleswarm: Field of Honorwon`t let you down.
Painkiller: Resurrection

Play the part of Willian Sherman after his death, and try to save his soul.
Darkest of Days

Actively participate in some of the most important battles and events of humanity.
Soldier Under Fire

A shooter game where you have an abundance of ammunition and weapons to kill the hordes of enemies.
Air Bandits

Control your plane in the Second World War bombing all the objectives of the enemy.
Cube 2: Sauerbraten 2009.05.04

Continuation of the Cube game. It is a free 3D game in first person, like Quake or Doom, with very good graphics and a well-created ambience.
Alien Shooter

The destiny of mankind depends on how many aliens you can kill with your gun.
BZFlag 1.10.6

A 3D game where you control a tank and have to go along destroying other tanks.