Download FPS Games
Operation Entity 1.0

Shooter type of game in which you have to attack an enemy communications tower.
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

A good representation of the legendary Might and Magic saga.
Alien vs Predator 2

Second part of this terrifying shooter in first person with a spectacular multiplayer mode.

Earth has been invaded. Lead an elite squadron in a Zero Gravity attack on the aliens.
Unreal Tournament 3

The third entry in the Unreal Tournament saga: a reference for first person action games.
Soldier Front

Adrenalin-filled battle game with notable graphics and an incredible sound that reminds you of War Rock.
Half Life 2

The second part of the very successful Half Life saga, with an interesting extra: the Counter Strike school.

A spectacular action adventure that has forever become associated with the X-Box console.
Timeshift Multiplayer

Pure action: shoot with all the weapons in your uniform, and also slow time.