Download System Boot
MoveOnBoot 1.95

A practical utility to copy, move or delete files when next you start up the system.
WinStartUp 1.0

A tool with which you have absolute control over the programs that run automatically on Windows startup.

A program to easily manage and organize the programs that run automatically when you start your PC.
1st Impresion 2.5

A program to change the Windows Start and End Session images for others that are more fun.
Smart Arrange Startup 3.7

Do you remember the day you bought your new PC? It was so fast. And now? No? Ah, the good old days ...
Startup Guard 3.25

Make your PC start up quicker by deleting some programs that start on startup.
Startup Faster! 3.0

Choose which programs should start on system startup, and increase the speed of the system loading.
Startup Defender 1.9.5

Administer and control the applications that open when you start your operating system.
12Ghosts Startup Guard 9.50

It lists all the programs that run on system startup, letting you disable or delete them.