Download Virtual Drives
PowerISO 4.6

Creator of ISO, BIN and DDA images, that lets you open, edit, compress, rip and convert ISO images, setting them up directly in your PC.
Virtual CD

Create virtual copies of CDs or DVDs on your hard drive and access them as if you had a 200x drive.
WinCDEmu 1.0

It lets you create virtual CD drives and also to make use of the image content of these CDs.
Phantom Burner 1.5

Create virtual drives and if you want, record its content on a disc, in the same application.
WinMount 2.2.1

Mount folders and files in virtual drives to be able to access their content without decompresing them.
P-Encrypt Secure Drive 1.0

Create encrypted virtual drives to protect your most important files.
Virtual-CD-Hide 1.0.4

An efficient solution to hide your virtual drives, and avoid some applications not working for this reason.