Download Windows Registry
RegFix Mantra Cleaner 5.4

Repair and optimize the Windows Registry deleting errors and conflict problems.
Registry Fix Pro 1.1

Clean the Windows Registry so your PC works like it did on the first day.
Karen Registry Ripper 1.2

It lets you copy Windows Registry entries in REG format to export to another Registry.
Free Registry Accelerator

Improve your PC´s efficiency, deleting all the corrupt and invalid files from the Windows Registry.
Pimasoft Error Fixer 3.0.3

Diagnose errors and conflicts that are in your Windows Registry.
Karen Registry Pruner 2.5

Delete useless entries in the Registry, caused by installing and uninstalling programs.
Registry Finder 1.2

This tool lets you make file searches in the Windows Regedit quickly, so you can later edit them.
ARPCache Viewer 1.01.02

It lets you directly manage the ARPCache area of the Windows registry, which is normally not accessible.
Registry TuneUp 3.2

A fundamental utility if you want to keep your Windows Registry in good shape.
Quick Registry Cleaner 3.6

Scan and clean the Registry of all unnecessary information to increase your system´s efficiency.
NT Registry Tweaker 1.0

Deeply check the Windows Registry looking for anomolies or corrupted entries.
LSA Secrets View 1.11

It shows on-screen the content of the LSA Secrets entry in the Windows Registry.