Búsqueda: acer eaudio management windows 7
DFX for Windows Media Player 12.023

A plug-in for Windows Media Player that optimizes, increases the quality and power of the sound.
Hide All Open Windows 7.0

Manage all the windows open on the desktop making those you don't need at the moment invisible.
Key Recover Windows Edition 2.0

It lets you get the Windows Registry key if you have lost or forgotten it.
Homer Simpson vs Windows

A fun wallpaper of Homer Simpson eating the Windows logo as if it were a doughnut.
My Movies for Windows Media Center 4.02

Catalogue your movies played in Windows Movie Center.
Adobe Flash Player for Windows 8

Enjoy Flash content in any browser in Windows 8.
Halloween SkinPack para Windows 8 1

Decorate your PC or tablet with Windows 8 for Halloween!
WSCC Windows System Control Center

Install, run, update and organize various Windows utilities suites.
WordBox for Windows

WordBox is a version for Windows of the boardgame Boggle, which you can play on the net.
fitW fine tuning of Windows

Lets you modify up to 300 parameters of the original configuration of your Windows to personalize it more to your taste.
Delete Windows 1.0

A joke to scare your enemies that makes already deleted windows reappear.