Búsqueda: experimental plugin ext reb tool
Wise Plugin Manager

Activate, deactivate or delete the different plugins and addons of your browser.
Lyrics Plugin beta 0.4

Shows the song lyrics on the screen for Windows Media Player or Winamp.
LyricsJoy Plugin

Free plug-in that works to show you on-screen the lyrics to songs you´re listening to.
Flash Saving Plugin 1.2

Plug-in for IE that lets you save the Flash animations from the websites you visit.
Craquelure 3D Plugin 1.50

Craquelure filters will now hold no secrets from you thanks to this Photoshop plug-in.
Water Ripples Plugin 1.30

Plug-in for Photoshop to make water ripple effects on any surface.
DIMIN Hotkeys plugin for Winamp 0.6

Assign the key combinations you want to all the Winamp commands.
PicoZip Recovery Tool 1.02

A great utility to easily recover the passwords to ZIP files that you forgot or lost.
Software Settings Backup Tool 1.3

Make and store back-ups of your programs` configurations.
HDD Low Level Format Tool

It allows the low level formatting not only of hard drives but also of USB drives.