Búsqueda: free vediosongs to mp3 convater
101 MP3 Splitter 3.8

Divide MP3 files into smaller fragments so you can get the piece of a song you want.
Alt WAV MP3 WMA OGG Converter 7.3

Convert between WAV, MP3, WMA and OGG formats, also letting you change any of the four formats to CDA.
Power MP3 WMA Converter 2010 5.0

Converter between various audio formats: MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, APE, ASF, WMV and CD audio
Direct WAV MP3 Splitter 3.0

Divides both WAV and MP3 files into smaller fragments, and it has its own player.
Direct MIDI to MP3 Converter

Convert MIDI audio files directly to MP3, WAV, WMA or OGG formats.
LAME MP3 Encoder 3.100

Free codec for MP3 files that configures the bitrate and the Joint Stereo.
4Musics MP3 Bitrate Changer 5.0

It lets the user change the bitrate sampling frequency of MP3 files from the mouse menu.
4Musics MP3 to WAV Converter 4.3

File converter from MP3 to WAV with different skins and its own tag editor.