Búsqueda: gm command hack ragnarok
File Uploader 1.11

A simple FTP program which, from the command line, lets you upload files.
ErrorLookup Utility 2.01

A utility to check Windows errors and status from the command line.
File Renamer

A simple utility to rename files, the same as the DOC command, but with many more options.
eDonkey CL Client 1.1

A version of eDonkey that works in the command line, without consuming resources.
Auto Adjust Photo 0.23

Small digital image manipulation and retouching tool via command lines.
IPConfig Manager 1.0

Graphic version of the IPConfig console command to see your IP address among other information.
Ndir Color Directory Lister 2.41

An improved and updated version of the old Ndir command for MSDOS.