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NeroNet Server 1.2.02

Nero utility to share your recorder with other computers on a local network.
GSA Clip Spider 2.70

It lets you automatically download movie clips from the websites you indicate.
MP3 and WAV Solutions 1.1

Simple tool to convert MP3 files directly to WAV, and vice versa.
Active DWG DXF Converter 2.11.15

A very useful converter for AutoCad users: it converts DWG to DXF and vice versa
Resistor Colour Code Solver 1.0

Calculate the resistence values from colour codes, and vice versa.
Dictionary German 1.0

Translation dictionary for English-German and vice versa, with more than 29000 entries.
Carizza Traductor Gratis 1.4

Simple and free translator of English to Spanish and vice versa.