Búsqueda: java jar touch screen software application mobile
Screen Saver Point 1.0

A free screensaver in which small coloured balls travel across your screen.
Screen Shot Maker 2.5

A complete screenshot program that lets you include shots of the Windows cursor or game images.
Screen Notes 3.0

It lets you include Post-it notes with an alarm on your desktop, with large sizes for you to write everything you want.
Screen-saver Suspender 1.0

Temporarily deactivate the screensaver so that it doesn`t bother or interrupt you.
Screen Puzzle 2.8

Have fun completing all types of jigsaw puzzle, even using your own photos.
WonderWebware Screen Ruler

Screen measurement for your desktop in pixels, centimetres or milimetres.
Movie on Mobile 1.14

You don't need a smartphone to enjoy your favourite movies on your mobile.
DJ Java Decompiler

A decompiler and disassembler for Java to rebuild the original source code in a Class file.