Búsqueda: jump superstars smashbros mugen
Dragon Jumper 1.62

Make the dragon jump from leaf to leaf to reach the diamond on each level.
Mouse Jumper 1.0

An irritating joke that makes the mouse cursor jump from one side of the screen to the other every four seconds.
Schitzo Mouse

Disturbing joke what makes the mouse cursor jump all over the screen so you can`t do anything.
The Old Remedy 3D Skating

Jump, turn and do moves with your skateboard without moving from your seat.
Denver Nuggets

Decorate your desktop with the logo of the Denver Nuggets, one of the more peculiar NBA franchises.
Vin Diesel ICQ Skin

Change the interface of your ICQ to that of the popular action movie star Vin Diesel.
Bulls vs Lakers

Experience the play-offs for the NBA Trophy between Chicago and Los Angeles.