Búsqueda: mouse tester
Mouse Jumper 1.0

An irritating joke that makes the mouse cursor jump from one side of the screen to the other every four seconds.
Mouse Odometer 4.0

A curious utility to measure the distance you move the mouse, and how many times you type and also click on a website.
Mouse Droppings 1.0

A joke to play on your friends that makes the mouse cursor, whenever it moves, leave small black stains on the screen.
Mouse Buttons 1.0

A simple, free utility to change the main mouse button from left to right.
Mouse Trainer 1.2.12

An essential tool to show the user how to use the mouse, recommended for schools and children.
Mouse Tracker Toy 1.0

A simple joke that makes Bob Spongepants follow your mouse cursor all over the screen.