Búsqueda: mozilla firefox en espanol
User Agent Switcher 0.7.3

An accessory for Mozilla Firefox that lets you emulate other browsers to see the content of all websites.
OPML Support extension 1.3

Extension for Mozilla Firefox that lets you import and export the markers from one browser to another.
Simple RSS Reader 1.2.1

News reader and web notifier integrated into your Mozilla Firefox browser.
Faviconize Tab

Reduce the size of the tabs on your Mozilla Firefox, adapting them to the icon that identifies them.
CustomizeGoogle 0.76

A free add-on for Mozilla Firefox with which you can increase and configure the searches.
FasterFox 2.0.0

An add-on for Mozilla Firefox that improves the loading times and the efficiency.
BetterSearch 5.5

An add-on for Mozilla Firefox which really increases the ability to search from the browser.
Translate Extension

An add-on for Mozilla Firefox which translates any text or website instantly.
Torrent Toolbar 1.0

If you are a Mozilla Firefox and BitTorrent user, you will surely need this program.
Speed Dial 0.2.1

Rapid access in Mozilla Firefox to a maximum of up to nine pages with only one mouse click.
SpanishTrans 1.3

Add-on for your Mozilla Firefox that translates any English word into Spanish.
Tab Renamizer 0.8.4

Rename your Mozilla Firefox browsing tabs to hide the websites you´re visiting.