Búsqueda: msn freezer forever
Script MSN Music Now Playing 1.3.4

Show on your MSN the music you`re listening to at the moment on Winamp, iTunes or Windows Media Player.
Script MSN Love Test 1.0

A curious script for MSN that tells you the percentage of amorous compatibility your nick has with other users.
Skin G.I. Joe MSN 1.0

A skin for MSN that changes its look for that of the popular movie G.I. Joe.
Free Process Freezer 1.0

Stop the processes that consume most resources, and restart them later.
Mario Forever Flash 1.0

Super Mario 3 adaptation for Flash where you confront Bowser and his army.
Super Mario 3: Mario Forever Advance 1.0

Help Mario get through hidden caverns under the water or places with lava.
Super Mario 3: Mario Forever 5.01

Incredible re-edition of the Super Mario Bros games, with almost unbelievable levels of recreation.