Búsqueda: pacman word
Abandoned Well 1.0

A variant of Pacman where you confront mutant insects on a strange planet.
Block Man 1.0

Austere and simple version of the classic pacman, using blocks in place of ghosts.
PacFish 1.11

Ingenious, modern and very funny variant of PacMan but with marine animals and in 3D.

Play the Pacman of always with more ghosts and accompanied by the popular music from the 80s.

Curious and quite entertaining variant of PacMan but adding weapons to defend yourself.
SkyMaze 2.10

Curious and fun version of the classic pacman in impressive 3D with very peculiar enemies.
Pacmania Western Gold

The world of pacman has gone to the Wild West: make your pacman a gunfighter looking for indians to eat.
DeskMan Screensaver 2.3.2

Friendly screensaver where PacMan eats your screen little by little.