Búsqueda: recolored pdf user guide
PDF Page Numberer 2.03

A plug-in for Acrobat to number the pages of a PDF in diverse forms and sizes.
PDF Split and Merge 3.3.2

PDF file working tool, with which you can join or divide each file into different fragments.
PDF Watermark Remover 1.0.0

A utility to remove any imave embedded in a PDF, like watermarks, logos, etc.
PDF Thumbnail Generator 1.02

Create thumbnail galleries of the content of your PDF files and insert them into the PDF itself.
PDF U Split Desktop 1.16

PDF file treatment that lets you join and divide documents into others smaller.
PDF Studio 11.0.6

It lets you underline, make notes and even put post-its onto PDF documents.
PDF Combiner 2.0

It lets you create a PDF file from a combination of PDF files put together.