Búsqueda: sean connery voice

Sean's Magic Slate is an infant drawing game where you can paint and colour various landscapes.
Voice Message Server 1.0.54

Send automated voice messages, ideal to do marketing campaigns or to program notifications.
Voice-Warper 1.0

It lets you distort voices that come from a WAV file until they are no longer recognizable.
Voice Splicer

A plugin for MorphVox Pro that lets you add multiple voices to the same story.
Funny Voice 1.3

Fun way to record your voice but with a funny nasal tone that sounds like a smurf.
Skype Voice Changer 1.0 Beta

Change the tone of your voice when you converse in Skype, with this free tool.
Natural Voice Reader 12.0

Program to read any text you want. It also has an internet browser.