Búsqueda: virtual talking monkey
Talking Alphabet 2.0

A good way for children to learn and become familiar with their abc´s.
Talking Flash Cards 1.8.2

A magnificent utility to teach children of between 2 and 10 all the animals, colours, shapes, numbers, etc.
Talking Reminder 2.0

Reminder agenda where you note down all your appointments, events and pending tasks.
Virtual Villagers 2: The Lost Children

A strategy game where you have to rescue children lost on an island, return them to their parents and look after them.
Virtual Fashion Professional 1.5

Design your model in 3D, then add make up, dress her, then on to the catwalk.
Virtual Painter 5.0

Impress even yourself creating photographic effects that seem like they are done in oil, watercolour or pastels.
Virtual Asset Label 1.02

Place a permanent message on the desktop to remind users that the PC is only for work use.
Virtual Fashion Professional Vista 1.5

The version for Windows Vista of this 3D model graphic editor.