Búsqueda: yahoo maesenger
IMMonitor Yahoo Messenger Spy 2.2.8

Watch, block and record all the conversations that take place on Yahoo! Messenger.
Messenger Archive Viewer 5.2

Program to see MSN Messenger and Yahoo! Message logs without needing a password.
Konfabulator 1.0

Collection of the popular Yahoo! widgets like alarms, calculators, weather forecasts, email consultations, etc.
Pidgin 2.14.8

Pidgin is a great succesor program to the Gaim program. Contact all your acquaintences via this messaging program that supports multiple systems (MSN, Yahoo ...)
AlertTAPE 4.2.18

Complete information about the values of shares and companies from the Yahoo! finance area.
Imici Messenger 3.4.5

Communicate with ICQ, AOL, Yahoo or MSN Messenger users with just one program.

Instant messenging service to use only one program for all (IRC, AIM, ICQ, MSN Messenger, and Yahoo! Messenger)
Instan-T Messenger 5.0

Free instant messaging client that covers the MSN, AOL, ICQ and Yahoo networks.