Búsqueda: yahoo maesenger
Miranda IM (NT/2000/XP/Vista/7) 0.10.74

Miranda is an instant messaging client that's effective and easy to use.
ChatStat Instant Messenger 5.1.0

Complete instant messaging suite with support for various existing systems.
Miro 5.0.2

Multimedia Internet player with support for podcasts, video and torrent search, etc.
Emu Browser Toolbar 1.0

Type of web browser but dedicated exclusively to the Emu Browser community where you share links, Chat, music, etc.
PC Chaperone 5.5

A complete program for parents to restrict their children on the Internet.
Search Plus for Video 1.1

It lets you obtain YouTube video links in your usual search results.
Nidesoft Iphone Video Converter 2.6

Convert video files like MOV, WMV, AVI or MPEG to the new Apple iPhone format.
GoBox 2011.05.13

Access all types of information searching in diverse sources from your desktop.
My Store toolbar 1.0

Toolbar to add to Internet Explorer or Firefox with radio, newsreader, email notifier, Google searcher etc functions.
Web Rubber 2.1

Delete all waste files that programs no longer use, and traces of your Internet browsing.
LyricsJoy Plugin

Free plug-in that works to show you on-screen the lyrics to songs you´re listening to.