Download Internet
These days the world can’t exist without the Internet, so much so that this section to download programs from the Internet is the most popular on this website. Here you’ll find highly technical content (monitoring data packets, FTP or Telnet protocols, proxies), well-known programs like instant messaging, email clients, programs for Facebook and Twitter, or those to help you download videos for free from YouTube.
Bookaboo 1.0

A free add-on for Internet Explorer that compares the prices of books on the Internet.
Feedly 10.2

An add-on for Firefox that creates a new Start page showing you the most interesting news.
Check4New 1.8

A program that indicates when a website was last updated or tells you if it has had any updates recently.
Copernic Meta 1.0

Copernic Meta is a useful tool to integrate and access search engines from your desktop easily.
MozBackup 1.4.6

Keep all the fundamental data of your Mozilla or Netscape browser in backups.
Free Downloader Pro HD 1.1

Download YouTube videos with the hightest audio and video quality.