Download Wallpapers
Here you’ll find wallpapers for anything you can imagine: games, motorbikes, sports, animals, cinema, those in 3D, animated, of cities and much more. You can also download applications to manage or show your wallpaper collections.
Fondo de Escritorio Bart Simpson

Wallpaper dedicated to Bart Simpson and his city, Springfield.
Secret Valley

A beautiful wallpaper, with one of the best illustrations we`ve seen in a long time.
Bring To Home

Wallpaper with an incredible marinescape that looks real, but generated in 3D
ESDLA: El Retorno del Rey

Spectacular wallpaper from the last movie of the Tolkien trilogy Lord of the Rings.
ZMatrix 98/Me 1.5.2

ZMatrix is an animated wallpaper showing characters on the screen who are very similar to the Matrix movie.
ZMatrix 2000/XP 1.5.2

ZMatrix is an animated wallpaper that shows characters on the screen who are very similar to The Matrix movie.
Webshots Desktop 1.3 Bikini 1.3

WebShots will help you get wallpapers with high quality images. In this case it includes images of girls in bikinis.